Independence- What does it mean?

Today- 15th Aug 2012- got a note from my friend from school- Yashodhra- that her first book got launched on 9th Aug, and is in the stores now- Just Married, Please Excuse....i got interested- read about her last 10 years of life- on the net- because i didnt meet her after school..but her story tells me one thing for sure- we have to focus on listening to our inner voice- what we want to do, not what we are doing in life.

Independence Day today- am at work- what does it mean? Perfect tribute to our ancestors who faught for our Independence from the Britisher...if today I ask my son- what does Independence Day mean to you- am sure I would not hear anything other than another holiday from school from him. Is this really the essence of Independence Day? Am working today- on India Independence Day- is this Independence- or we still puppets in the hand of the KARMA? Independence before being a state of affair is a state of mind first- if your mind and thoughts are too clogged- bothered always with ten things going on- how are we Independent? we are till dependent and completely caught in all the materialistic dilemma of modern world. I need to work to be succesful- and be able to provide more to my family! What does succesful mean? what is success...nothing but again a state of may have everything but still not be happy..

This Independence Day- one thing for sure has triggered in my mind- that I would not sit and cry of what i dont have- but be engaged in things which gives me happiness, peace and follow my dream- as if this is it- and there is no other day- Living and life are two different things and for sure the meaning is understood by every person sooner or later depending on when one gets the innner call. Good life with healthy mind and body- would always be in the right spirit to think and do the things which matter the most to you- not anyone else.

I would want to read more and put my thoughts together- every day in life teaches lesson- and its worth every moment to capture it so that one can remember what all crossed our mind during the journey of life.True meaning of Independence is not being dependent mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically on anyone other than yourself. You are the owner of your life- and its upto you what you want to do with it.
