
Showing posts from August, 2012

Independence- What does it mean?

Today- 15th Aug 2012- got a note from my friend from school- Yashodhra- that her first book got launched on 9th Aug, and is in the stores now- Just Married, Please Excuse....i got interested- read about her last 10 years of life- on the net- because i didnt meet her after school..but her story tells me one thing for sure- we have to focus on listening to our inner voice- what we want to do, not what we are doing in life. Independence Day today- am at work- what does it mean? Perfect tribute to our ancestors who faught for our Independence from the Britisher...if today I ask my son- what does Independence Day mean to you- am sure I would not hear anything other than another holiday from school from him. Is this really the essence of Independence Day? Am working today- on India Independence Day- is this Independence- or we still puppets in the hand of the KARMA? Independence before being a state of affair is a state of mind first- if your mind and thoughts are too clogged- bothered al


Confusion- is this a state of mind or of the surrounding? In today world- one thing which is prevailing all around us is CONFUSION... Where is the global economy heading? Where is India heading? Where are we heading? What would be the future? What would our children be doing? How is my career going to be? all these have realms of only one thing prevailing today- CONFUSION.... So what is confusion? Pre conceptualized illusion of our surrouding metaphysical or spiritual. The clarity of thoughts is the call of the hour. We need to make sure that we our clear ourself in our mind and life and only then we can have an impact to the society. Dont run after things which the majority of folks are doing today- heard from someone once- Dont be in a mad rat race- because even if you win you would still be called a RAT....worth thinking- we have to be clear and give clear messages to the people around us who matter to us. The only way to clear confusion is to be clear ourselves- and preac