
Showing posts from December, 2010


What is it that happens-whenever you are Happy or Sad......we get feelings....what are feelings? to me feelings are thoughts, emotions, which arise in our mind- and its internal to oneself... What do feelings me they probably trigger some hormones- which let us exhibit either Happiness or make us feel sad....but these feelings are only for a moment...not forever... More than often in today time- feelings are also changing as the time changes by the clock...whether it is small or big- whether it is for our friends, colleagues, family- feelings have become a toy for play, where in the feelings change as the days and week.... Your surrounding changes your feelings, one moment you feel something else, and the other moment some other feeling crops in our head.....and we choose to exhibit our feelings as well- as per the thoughts which arise in our mind....not realizing that your changing feelings may disturb someone who is your well wisher... What is going on in mine mind is...

Stranger I an Unknown Country....

During my last trip to the USA....our flight was delayed....and a lot of us had connecting flights to catch.....people started asking the crew....what would be the plan in case the connecting flight is missed!!! All this while there was an elderly couple who were on the next seat to mine.....and while I was talking to the crew- the lady may have heard me...and said dont worry we are also going to be taking the same flight...we should be fine...or else the Airlines would give us an alternate option and would put us up in the to the Airport... When the flight Landed in Chicago...there were ground staff people....holding our name cards and a hotel stay voucher- they mentioned pls try catching the flight- in case you are unable- then you would be put to the first flight next morning... While I was running towards the other terminal- I saw this couple also in queue...and talking to each other- that what is the hurry, lets stay here for the night...and we can catch the morn

Technology Today

Ever wondered if we are really progressing or deteriorating in today mehanical and technically advancing world? I often get confused and keep thinking what is it that we are running for? what is it that everyone is running for? Never thought earlier to pen my thoughts regarding what I feel, however heard about this medium to try and put my notes together and not for anyone else but for my own self to reflect back.... WI FI service - though made for convenience, i really enjoyed this for a little time only- bcause as time passed- it appered that of the already squeezing time it just is takin more time out of the day when i could use it more effectively....with my people, with doing some learning spiritually.....trying to remember my humble obesciences.... With the entire world gunning and propogating that we are advancing- its our moral responsibility to think....are we really advancing or we are making our life dependent on these new tools and techniques which are so call